Untuk shortbread sempet kotar katir lantaran adonan lembek banget ga tau kenapa tadinya pengen plek sesuai resep , tapi tetep akhirnya tie tambahin tepung dikit2 biar rada kokoh , adonan jadi 2 loyang pas mateng yg satu loyang langsung liang xiixix di abisin akang... sisanya di umpetin lantaran belom di photo ;))..
Kalo si caramel pot.... ehm... tie pikir inimah persis kaya puding caramel , enak banget tapi kalo buat tie ini rada kemanisan deh... pokonya kesimpulannya enyaaakk..
nah ini resepnya yahhhhh..
Minted Shortbread Sticks

100g icing sugar
200g flour
100g cornflour
250g unsalted butter, softened
1 vanilla pod, seeds removed and reserved
1 sprig mint, chopped
Preheat the oven to 150C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Combine the icing sugar, flours, butter, vanilla seeds and mint in a bowl and mix well. Roll out to about 1cm thick. Cut into 2 x 8cm fingers. Place on the prepared tray and bake for 20-25 minutes, until lightly golden. Cool and store in an airtight container until required. Makes about 30.
Caramel Pots

2 Tbs water
125ml milk
250ml cream
3 egg yolks
Whisk the sugar into the water in a saucepan. Heat carefully and cook to a golden caramel. Combine milk and cream in a separate saucepan and warm-do not boil. Whisk the milk into the caramel. Cool slightly.
Beat the egg yolks, until creamy. Gradually pour the hot caramel onto the egg yolks, mixing well.Pour into four ramekins. Bake in a water bath at 160C for 30 minutes or until set. Remove the ramekin, cool then chill. Serves 4.